2023 美通社新闻稿发布-超能盛生物科技:台湾顶尖的水和生物科技重塑全球饮料及酿造产业 2023-11-15


台北2023年10月24日 /美通社/ -- 台湾以其先进的半导体技术而闻名,也是水处理技术的发展中心。 总部位于台湾的超能盛生物科技有限公司是世界上唯一一家将生物技术与水技术巧妙结合,为水注入卓越的抗氧化和还原能力的公司。 他们与 SEH Biotechnology 的子公司 Aizia Technology Inc. 合作,共同推出了四种不同的 SEH® 专用机能水类型,旨在重塑饮料和酿造行业。

传统的瓶装茶饮料通常都带有“开封后立即饮用”的标签,因为开封后开始氧化,逐渐使味道变得苦涩。 然而,使用Aizia Tech的大型Top Spring®生命能量水系统生产的饮料提供了更令人愉悦的味道。 即使打开数小时或长达1-2天后,仍能保留原有风味,显著延长享用期限并有效减少体内氧化物的摄取。 此外,这项技术不仅限于茶饮料; 适用于红、白酒、清酒、烧酒、蒸馏酒等各种酒精饮料,提高其品质,减轻酒精对健康的影响。


这项创新技术广泛应用于不同领域和产业,包括饮料制造、酿造、醋生产、连锁咖啡店、连锁茶店、调酒、速食连锁店等。 多项国际认证验证了这些产品的卓越品质和稳定性。 在这个全球化时代,毫无疑问地具有巨大的商业价值——无论是扩大饮料制造商的市场份额还是提高餐厅的客户忠诚度。 顺应未来趋势,将SEH Biotechnology的先进生物技术与Top Spring®生命能量水系统生产的优质水结合,可提升企业产品的竞争力,并实现各利益相关者的共赢。

SEH Biotechnology: Revolutionizing the Global Beverage and Brewing Industry with Cutting-Edge Water and Biotech from Taiwan

TAIPEI, Oct. 25, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Taiwan is renowned for its advanced semiconductor technology, and it's also a hub for the development of water technology. SEH Biotechnology Co., Ltd., based in Taiwan, stands out as the world's only company that ingeniously combines biotechnology and water technology to infuse water with exceptional antioxidant and reduction capabilities. In collaboration with Aizia Technology Inc., an affiliate of SEH Biotechnology, they have jointly introduced four distinct SEH® Multi-functional water types, aimed at reshaping the beverage and brewing industry.

Conventional bottled tea drinks typically come with labels that say, "Consume promptly after opening," as the onset of oxidation upon opening gradually makes the taste bitter. However, beverages produced using the large-scale Top Spring® Life Energy Water System from Aizia Tech offer an even more delightful taste. Even after being open for several hours or up to 1-2 days, the original flavor remains preserved, significantly extending the enjoyment window and effectively reducing the intake of oxidants into the body. Moreover, this technology isn't limited to tea drinks; it's applicable to various alcoholic beverages, such as red and white wines, sake, shochu, and distilled spirits, enhancing their quality and mitigating the impact of alcohol on health.

Brewing companies equipped with SEH's technology can not only expedite the brewing process and yield higher-quality products but also employ it as a potent strategy to reduce the adverse effects of alcohol, giving them a noticeable competitive edge in the local market through product differentiation.

This innovative technology finds applications across diverse fields and industries, including beverage manufacturing, brewing, vinegar production, chain coffee shops, chain tea shops, bartending, fast-food chains, and more. Multiple international certifications have validated the excellent quality and stability of these products. In this era of globalization, there is unquestionably substantial commercial value—whether it's about expanding market share for beverage manufacturers or enhancing customer loyalty for restaurants. By embracing future trends and integrating SEH Biotechnology's advanced biotech with the excellent water produced by the Top Spring® Life Energy Water System, companies can elevate the competitiveness of their products, fostering a win-win situation for all stakeholders.

Yahoo! Finance - http://finance.yahoo.com/news/seh-biotechnology-revolutionizing-global-beverage-100000290.html
Yahoo! Australia - https://au.finance.yahoo.com/news/seh-biotechnology-revolutionizing-global-beverage-100000290.html
PR Newswire - https://www.prnewswire.com/apac/news-releases/seh-biotechnology-revolutionizing-the-global-beverage-and-brewing-industry-with-cutting-edge-water-and-biotech-from-taiwan-301967056.html
LINE Today - https://today.line.me/hk/v2/article/pejeenw